Our Story

Hello! If you are looking for an online course platform that helps you improve your skills as a digital entrepreneur, Coursity is your best option!


Coursity is the latest online course platform for digital entrepreneurs, focused on improving all aspects of product management, growth hacking, design and development, and upscale skills.


We develop courses with leading entrepreneurs and industry experts, to provide you with the latest information on the most important topics in digital ecosystems. Developed by global business professionals, our courses are designed to get you up to speed on new skills quickly and efficiently.

Mission & Vision

Coursity digitizes the process of designing resources for on-demand learning, providing tailored content and training at an affordable price, with an approach that democratizes the value of revenue for instructors and organizations, giving value to the monetization of knowledge in a way more flexible.


We generate value for the development of our community with the use of a self-management platform, all in one, so that both students and tutors can hybridize distance learning methods and support their growth with the help of experts.

Things that make us proud

Check out our value proposition

Data available 24/7

Analysis tools, to help share with your current and future clients.

User experience focus

Customer support from a team of leaders, industry experts and a personalized experience.

Full time service

Access to courses anywhere, anytime via mobile devices.

Online self-management

Set up and manage courses with our partner program to enhance shared knowledge.

Our Team

Sergio Bárcenas


Sergio González


Isaac Ávila


Axel Ávila
